There can never be too many Christian Romance books to read, and discovering new authors is great. I had such a great discovery with Victoria Bylin, who writes both contemporary and historical romances. Her book "Someone Like You" is worth your time.
The story is about Julia Dare, a single mother, who owns and runs her own event-planning business, and is a new Christian.
Our other main character is Zeke Monroe, who had been a strong christian influence in his younger years, but strayed away from God. He's the general manager of a financially-struggling historic California resort called Caliente Springs.
A big account from Julia's business sends her to Caliente Springs, where the two meet. Again. Yes - they had been college sweethearts, and along the way their relationship bitterly ended. This would be their first encounter with each other since their college days.
With Max, the father of Julia's young son, causing problems, there's conflict interjected in real-life scenarios throughout the book.
There's a hopeful relationship between Julia's widowed mother and one of the owners of the resort, and of course, there's an attraction between Zeke and Julia that is hindered by their past. Only a clear understanding of exactly what went wrong in their past and forgiveness can help them overcome their fears and doubts with one another.
This is a wonderful modern romance that has great Christian undertones of faith and forgiveness, and a nice relationship-redemption story.
I was privileged to receive this book as part of the Bethany House blogger program in exchange for a review. I'm glad they sent it. I can honestly say that it was a good read, and one I recommend buying!
I give "Someone Like You" a 'thumbs up'. It was a joy to read!
Friday, August 26, 2016
Thursday, August 18, 2016
"God Gave Us Thankful Hearts" Book Review
Let me begin by saying I am in love with this book!
"God Gave Us Thankful Hearts" is the latest in the 'God Gave Us...' series by Lisa Tawn Bergren. And it's perfectly set to arrive for reading during this Autumn season!
Lisa Bergren carries on with the delightful, heartwarming, lesson-teaching books to which I've grown accustomed. Her writing style hits true to the feelings and concerns of children and parents alike, and the illustrations done by David Hohn are colorful, attractive and fun.
While most of Bergren's 'God Gave Us...' book feature bears, "God Gave Us Thankful Hearts" features a wolf cub named Little Pup. The book is set in the Great North Woods, where Little Pup and his parents live. It is Autumn, and they are anticipating the coming 'hibernating season'. Little Pup is sad because so many of his friends will go away to hibernate soon and he won't have anyone to play with.
His mother reminds him of all the beautiful colors of Fall, and the friends he will have in Winter. She reminds him that "there's a reason for us to be thankful in every season". As they go about their day, and the various activities therein, he's reminded about all the fun, good things Autumn and Winter bring. His mood is lifted and Little Pup gradually shifts from sad to thankful.
Through their fun activities and reminders of God's provisions, I found myself shifting my focus to thankfulness as well. So, while this book is written for children, we adults can learn and enjoy it just as much as the little ones to whom we are reading (or who are reading to us).
We can all use a reminder to look more on the bright side of life
and be grateful for all God provides!
and be grateful for all God provides!
It was my pleasure, honor and privilege to receive "God Gave Us Thankful Hearts" from Blogging for Books to review before its release date. I'm so very grateful to have read and reviewed it, and to have it in my library for anyone else to read. My grandchildren are going to love it!
"God Gave Us Thankful Hearts" by Lisa Tawn Bergren releases on August 23rd, and I suggest you run to your local store or order it online as soon as it does! This is a MUST for any child's (or grandparent's) library! I'm so glad I have it in mine, and I'll be adding it to my grandchildren's collection of Lisa Bergren 'God Gave Us...' books.
Click on the book below and you'll be sent to a site where you can choose which online source from which to order.
To see the other 'God Gave Us...' books, as well as more of what
Lisa Tawn Bergren has written, visit the author's website HERE!
Lisa Tawn Bergren has written, visit the author's website HERE!
"God Gave Us Thankful Hearts" gets a big 'two thumbs up' from me! Happy reading!
Sunday, August 7, 2016
"The Pediatrician's Guide to Feeding Babies & Toddlers" Book Review
Eight months ago our daughter had her first baby. This is our third grandchild, and it is a privilege for me to be 'the nanny', as I babysit her while Mommy works.
Although, it's been 25 years since I've had to worry about a baby, and some things have changed over the years, particularly in the area of when, how, and what to feed babies. Enter in "The Pediatrician's Guide to Feeding Babies & Toddlers" by Anthony F. Porto, MD MPH & Dina M. Dimaggio, MD.
When I first picked up this book I wasn't sure what to expect, and thought it might be full of medical terminology and information way over my head. What a relief to find out that it is written so we can all understand it, and is way more helpful than I ever expected!
Although, it's been 25 years since I've had to worry about a baby, and some things have changed over the years, particularly in the area of when, how, and what to feed babies. Enter in "The Pediatrician's Guide to Feeding Babies & Toddlers" by Anthony F. Porto, MD MPH & Dina M. Dimaggio, MD.
When I first picked up this book I wasn't sure what to expect, and thought it might be full of medical terminology and information way over my head. What a relief to find out that it is written so we can all understand it, and is way more helpful than I ever expected!
If you have any concerns about nutrition, when and how to start solids, allergies, how to address picky eating, and general feeding, this is the book for you!
Not only do they cover all of the aforementioned topics, the authors also address expected developmental milestones, breastfeeding, teething, and other medical concerns common in babies and toddlers. There is even a section on when it might be necessary to visit a specialist and what to expect at the visit.
To top it off, there are healthy recipes for parents, babies and toddlers that are not only very easy, but very tasty!
Our little bundle of joy happens to have a reaction to anything associated with Dairy Protein. Our daughter is still breastfeeding, so not only does Baby have to be dairy-free, but Mommy has to be dairy-free. While that sounds easy enough, we found out that her sensitivity is so high that we have to be very careful and read labels for all of the "hidden" dairy in foods.
On Pages 224 and 225 of this amazing resource, they've listed tips for 'Avoiding Your Allergen'. They actually have lists of all the ingredients to avoid when your child has a sensitivity or allergy. Who knew that casein and all caseinates in all forms (a popular ingredient in a lot of foods) are dairy? I had no idea. On the list it warned that sometimes margarine contains milk product, and when we checked our margarine we found out that yes, indeed, it contained whey a milk protein. Yikes! So I snapped a photo of the list on my phone and have it available to review to be certain we don't make the mistake of getting something with "hidden" dairy in it.
They provide ingredient-free lists for dairy (milk), wheat, egg, soy, shellfish, tree-nut, peanut, and fish. Very valuable information these days with all of the allergies our little ones have right? I love that they included this!
While I happened to receive this book from Blogging for Books in exchange for a review, I am thrilled to say that my review is honest and unbiased. I don't know what I'd do without this guide, and I am so grateful to have it to reference when I need the information.
If there is ONE BOOK you get when you want information about feeding your baby and/or toddler, this needs to be that book! I have it on the bookshelf in my living room and use it all the time. I've even used it to help other mommies and grandparents when they've had questions. Of course, I tell them to buy it too, so they don't have to ask me.
Seriously though, this book needs to be in the hands of every parent, and will be one of the blessings I provide to parents when they have their first child. It is that important and valuable.
"The Pediatrician's Guide to Feeding Babies & Toddlers" by Anthony F. Porto, MD MPH & Dina M. Dimaggio, MD is available in sturdy paperback and as an ebook for your convenience. I am overjoyed to give this book an emphatic "two thumbs up"!
Here is the link for it again:
Friday, July 15, 2016
"Father God bring us peace! Please! Bring us peace!"
I cried for our nation this morning as I cried out to God in prayer. I prayed for peace.
What have we become? How did our morals, our respect for the law, and our Christian livelihoods so quickly decline? How did we let satan get such a huge stronghold in our Christian-founded nation? Most importantly, why are we letting the evil, the hate, the lawlessness, and the terror continue?
We aren't spending enough time in God's Holy Word. We're not focusing our attention on obeying God and doing what makes God happy. We've strayed away from living as Christ directed. We're spending less time praying for one another and praying for peace. We've stopped voting for and insisting upon godly leaders. We need to get back to living our lives for Christ, and producing the fruits of the Spirit.
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."
Galatians 5:22-23 NASB
We're spending too much time listening to (and falling for) the evil, hateful, violent, degrading, race baiting lies of the enemy. Those who seek to do the devil's work are only too eager to seek, kill and destroy.
"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy;
I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."
John 10:10 NASB
I can't help but to think that if we spent more time honoring God, taking action in our nation as we stand for God, and less time standing back watching satan's minions destroy our nation, that we could take our country back and make it strong once again.
My fellow Christ followers, my fellow law-abiding citizens, my fellow Americans - it's time to take a stand for our lives, our families, our nation, and our God! Generations before us dropped the ball, and it's been rolling downhill, gaining momentum and size ever since. I call out to you to take action now. If not for yourselves then for those who come behind us. The future of our children, our children's children, and generations to come depends on it.
The great Charles H. Spurgeon put it this way in one of his sermons from 1888:
"It is today as it was in the Reformer's days. Decision is needed. Here is the day for the man, where is the man for the day? We who have had the gospel passed to us by martyr hands dare not trifle with it, nor sit by and hear it denied by traitor, who pretend to love it, but inwardly abhor every line of it...Look you, sirs, there are ages yet to come. If the Lord does not speedily appear, there will come another generation, and another, and all these generations will be tainted and injured if we are not faithful to God and to His truth today. We have come to a turning-point in the road. If we turn to the right, mayhap our children and our children's children will go that way; but if we turn to the left, generations yet unborn will curse our names for having been unfaithful to God and to His Word."
- (
We need to take a stand now! That stand begins on our knees, and continues on our feet, heels dug in, our Armor on, fighting against satan and fighting for Christ.
"Therefore, take up the full armor of God,
so that you will be able to withstand in the evil day,
and having done all, to stand firm.
Stand therefore, having fastened on the BELT OF TRUTH,
and having put on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, and, as
SHOES for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the GOSPEL OF PEACE.
In all circumstances take up the SHIELD OF FAITH,
with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;
and the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT, which is the WORD OF GOD,
praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.
To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints,"
Ephesians 6:13-18 ESV
We must preface all action with prayer and petition to the Lord!
"Be anxious for nothing,but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God."
Philippians 4:6 NASB
We must never rely on our own understanding, but seek the Lord's guidance at all times!
"Trust in the LORD with all your heard and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6 NASB
Oh that we would ALL seek the wisdom of God and PRAY FOR PEACE!
I call upon God's strength and His peace in this tumultuous world. I don't have the answers. I'm just praying to the One and Only True God Who does!
"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Philippians 4:6-7 NASB
I'm praying for peace for myself, my family, my church, my community, our leaders, my country and the world. God directs us to pray for these in His Holy Word, and it just makes good sense!
Paul put it in just the right words in his letter to Timothy:
"First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings
be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions,
that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."
1 Timothy 2:1-2 ESV
I'm Praying for Peace.
Reba McEntire produced and sang a song called "Pray For Peace" and posted it on her facebook account on July 21, 2014. I hope it helps drive my point home. Have a listen:
Monday, April 18, 2016
"Five Years In Heaven" Book Review
The wonderful people of Blogging for Books recently sent me the title "Five Years In Heaven" by John Schlimm to read and review.
I wasn't sure how a memoir of a man's friendship with a nun he happened to meet in a gift shop was going to be interesting enough to hold my attention. I was so very pleasantly surprised to find that not only did it hold my attention, but I had a hard time putting the book down.
I found myself relating to the character's astute observations, life-lessons, humor, and bittersweet memories. John Schlimm writes with passion and compassion, boldly expressing true feelings and engaging the reader.
The wisdom Schlimm and Sister Augustine share with each other kept me learning, and I felt that I'd grown just by having read this true account. There were so man insightful things shared that I couldn't share them all. But, being a woman, the words he recorded on page 193 stuck with me. Sister Augustine (the nun Schlimm befriended) gave him a bit of wisdom about what she would say to young ladies to guide them in life. He wrote:
"Sister Augustine thought for a moment while the wind chimes continued to croon. "I'd tell them to learn how to rely on themselves. I'd want them to know that they have all the potential inside them that young men have. I'd say it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. I'd hope they would develop a strong faith in God, and learn from examples like Mary and other female saints, who have done as much to build the Church as anyone else. I'd also encourage them to seek out examples of kind, compassionate women in their own lives, like you have, whether it's women they see as professional mentors or their own mothers and grandmothers. Finally, I'd tell them to find some way to serve others, using their talents and interests. By the way, I'd tell young men the same thing!"
Words of such great wisdom in that small paragraph. Such greatness.
I learned so much from reading of their relationship, not only about faith, but also about taking chances. And most of all about living in the wonderful moments God provides in life.
Sister Augustine was real, open to new experiences in her wise years, and taught me a few things as I read this wonderfully written book. John Schlimm seemed to learn much from her, and even taught her how to live and give more than she even thought she could, using her talents to bless others around her.
I highly recommend "Five Years in Heaven" to everyone. Yes, it's about a man and a nun, but it isn't about religion. It's about the importance of building relationships, giving people a chance, and maybe even imparting some wisdom along the way.
This book definitely gets two thumbs up from me! A wonderful, touching, delightful read!
I wasn't sure how a memoir of a man's friendship with a nun he happened to meet in a gift shop was going to be interesting enough to hold my attention. I was so very pleasantly surprised to find that not only did it hold my attention, but I had a hard time putting the book down.
I found myself relating to the character's astute observations, life-lessons, humor, and bittersweet memories. John Schlimm writes with passion and compassion, boldly expressing true feelings and engaging the reader.
The wisdom Schlimm and Sister Augustine share with each other kept me learning, and I felt that I'd grown just by having read this true account. There were so man insightful things shared that I couldn't share them all. But, being a woman, the words he recorded on page 193 stuck with me. Sister Augustine (the nun Schlimm befriended) gave him a bit of wisdom about what she would say to young ladies to guide them in life. He wrote:
"Sister Augustine thought for a moment while the wind chimes continued to croon. "I'd tell them to learn how to rely on themselves. I'd want them to know that they have all the potential inside them that young men have. I'd say it's okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. I'd hope they would develop a strong faith in God, and learn from examples like Mary and other female saints, who have done as much to build the Church as anyone else. I'd also encourage them to seek out examples of kind, compassionate women in their own lives, like you have, whether it's women they see as professional mentors or their own mothers and grandmothers. Finally, I'd tell them to find some way to serve others, using their talents and interests. By the way, I'd tell young men the same thing!"
Words of such great wisdom in that small paragraph. Such greatness.
I learned so much from reading of their relationship, not only about faith, but also about taking chances. And most of all about living in the wonderful moments God provides in life.
Sister Augustine was real, open to new experiences in her wise years, and taught me a few things as I read this wonderfully written book. John Schlimm seemed to learn much from her, and even taught her how to live and give more than she even thought she could, using her talents to bless others around her.
I highly recommend "Five Years in Heaven" to everyone. Yes, it's about a man and a nun, but it isn't about religion. It's about the importance of building relationships, giving people a chance, and maybe even imparting some wisdom along the way.
This book definitely gets two thumbs up from me! A wonderful, touching, delightful read!
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