Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I Cried Today

I cried today.

For not one particular reason really.
But for a lot of reasons.
Out of a purely broken heart.
Broken at the state of our nation.
Broken at the state of our churches.
Broken at the state of our people.
Broken at the state of the lost.  The invisible.  The broken.

Psalm 34:18 (NASB)  The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Sometimes I want to just stand outside my door and scream “STOP!”
I want everyone to just stop what they’re doing.  Stop what they are not doing.
Stop being so busy.  Too busy.
Stop not caring.  Stop accepting less.
Stop ignoring.  Stop being broken.

I stopped and prayed today.

For not one particular reason really.
But for a lot of reasons.
Out of a purely hopeful heart.
Hopeful for the future of our nation.
Hopeful for the future of our churches.
Hopeful for the future of our people.
Hopeful for the future of the lost.  The invisible.  The broken.

2 Thessalonians 3:5  (NASB)  May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.

Proverbs 3:5-6  (NASB)  Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.

Sometimes I want to just stand outside my door and shout “LISTEN!”
I want everyone to just listen for God.  Listen to Him and not the noise of the world.
Listen with a quiet mind.  An open heart.
Listen with intent.  Listen with a desire to hear God.
Listen for God’s Words of truth.  Listen for His direction.

I listened and shared today.

For not one particular reason really.
But for a lot of reasons.
Out of a purely purposeful heart.
Purposeful for the future of the lost.  The invisible.  The broken.
Purposeful for the future of our people.
Purposeful for the future of our churches.
Purposeful for the future of our nation.

Sometimes I want to just stand outside my door and yell “SHARE!”
I want everyone to just share God's Word and promises.  Share God's plan for our lives.
Share with love for others.  With a burdened heart.
Share with passion.  Share without fear.
Share God’s grace and salvation.  Share God.

I shared and rejoiced today.

For not one particular reason really.
But for a lot of reasons.
Out of a purely grateful heart.
Grateful for the God who saves the lost.  Sees the invisible.  Heals the broken.
Grateful for the God who loves our people.
Grateful for the God who leads our churches.
Grateful for the God who holds our nation.
Grateful for the God who secures the future of our world.

Philippians 4:4  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!

Sometimes I want to just stand outside my door and declare “REJOICE!”
I want everyone to rejoice in the freedom God brings.  Rejoice in His forgiveness.
Rejoice in His love.  With the world, with the church, with our people.
Rejoice in His healing.  Rejoice In His care and provision.
Rejoice in knowing one day this world will pass and God will reign victorious forever!

Today I cried.  Stopped.  Prayed.  Listened.  Shared.  Rejoiced.  Did you?

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